Parent and Preschool Playgroup

Helping young children. Enhancing communication. Connecting the community.

  • Encouraging social language

  • Connecting families

  • Educating families about communication strategies

  • Neurodivergent affirming

  • Speech & Language Consultation

What We Do

We teach you how to help your child to communicate!

We give you and your child a chance to connect with others!

We give language-enhancement strategies to anyone who has a child in their life.

We connect you with speech and language therapy if needed.


Why we do this

Toddler Talk is passionate about connecting children and families to each other and community resources that they need.

We also want to give caregivers the practical tools and strategies they need to help their children communicate and communicate BETTER!

It’s not just parents that are concerned about their child’s development. Godparents, aunts, uncles, grandparents, babysitters, and play cousins are often concerned about the children in their lives and they just don’t know how to help them.


At Toddler Talk, we are also committed to creating content that can be used across various cultures and languages. We all want what’s best for the kids we love!