Preschool Playgroup: Toy Thoughts

“Toys are children’s words and play is their language.”  Garry Landreth

Have you ever caught your child playing happily with/in the box that the toy came in?

Or repeatedly rolling a bowl on the floor because he likes the sound it makes?

Or walking around with your shoes on her feet? And your thinking  . . . THAT is not a toy!  

But it is! A toy can be ANY object that brings joy, builds curiosity, stimulates the senses, or increases engagement. Playgroups can be a great way for your child to interact with new toys and activities. 

An article by the  National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) lists toy ideas from birth to 6 years old.  The article reminds parents that toys have developmental levels just like any other skills - from measuring cups and washcloths for infants to paper towel rolls and crayons for older preschoolers.  

Rethink what a toy could mean. 

Rethink how you can help your child play with a toy.  

Rethink how anything can be a toy. 

Cupcakes pans, milk cartons, yogurt containers, magazine holders, amazon boxes, a blanket, etc,.. Yup! All of these can be toys!

What ideas do you have about toys?

If you want your child to play with other children, to expand your knowledge about communication in young children, to connect with other parents of young children, or to learn more about community resources . . . .join the Parent and Preschooler Playgroup in Beltsville, Md.

Kimberly Parmar

Curating speech therapy services and training for families of young children.


Preschool Playgroup: Play Simplified


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