Wait time . . . .
Say ‘mama’ . . .’Say MAAAAma please’ . . . ‘I know you can say mommy’ . . . ‘Just MA-MA’ . . . ‘Can you say mommy?’.... ‘Say mommy for me……’
Just wait.
Give your child time.
Time to process what you’re saying. Time to finish their own thoughts. Time to figure out which word you actually want them to say. Time to look at you and not the screen. Time to finish what they’re chewing!
Allow her time to experience the moment with you.
Is she experiencing life with you? Or is life an endless round of questions?
Model a word.
Wait and give her time to respond.
Be interested in her, not just what she has to say.
#toddlertalkllc #speakyourlanguage #hablatuidioma #earlyintervention #당신의 언어를 구사 #ቋንቋህን ተናገር #nomorenumbersandletters